The last weekend of February was reserved for the various Cup competitions and allowed three CS GYM-VOLLEY teams to qualify for the FINAL4 Loterie Nationale - Coupe de Luxembourg from March 21 to 24, 2024 at the Atert Center in Bertrange!
If our new men's team had to recognize the superiority of VB Echternach, from the Novotel Ligue, to lose very honorably in 3 sets (18-25 / 19-25 / 22-25), our women's team won just as logically in Wiltz to reach the semi-finals of the Luxembourg Cup which will take place on Thursday March 21, 2024.
A victory was also expected for GYM 2 which dominated Esch 2 to meet the VC Belair 2 team in the final of the FLVB Cup, on Sunday March 24, 2024, still in Bertrange.
A narrow success at last for the U19-girls team of CS GYM-VOLLEY which managed to beat VC Fentange in its stronghold of Holleschberg after a match with twists and turns on the smallest possible gap, 16-14 at the end of the 5th set. The opponent in the final is RSR Walferdange.
Let us also note that during the qualifying tournaments in the youth categories, our Minimes (U13) passed a round thanks to their success against Diekirch before experiencing an honorable defeat against Strassen, while our Scolaires U15 - team lost in the first round after a suspenseful match against Esch (13-15 in the deciding set).